MCS-12 Important Question

MCS-12 COMPUTER ORG. & ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE Important Question Explain the use of the parity bit in error detection and correction code with the help of an example using an odd parity scheme. Using Hamming code, what should be the length of the error detection code that detects the error in one bit for 8 and […]

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ECO – 02 Important Question

ECO – 02 ACCOUNTANCY (BCA) Important Question Define accountancy and explain the advantages and objectives of accounting. What do you understand by the Cost concept and dual Aspect concept? What are a double-entry system and a single-entry system? what is trail balance? how it’s prepared ? Prepare a ledge and balance the accounts, Illustration No.3 […]

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BCS-011 Important Question

BCS – 011 COMPUTER BASIC AND PC SOFTWARE (BCA) Important Question Explain Von Neumann’s architecture with the help of a diagram. Explain the concept of memory hierarchy with the help of a diagram. Parallel port and. Serial port What is the main memory? List the features of generations of computers. What is an integrated circuit? […]

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ECO – 01 Important Question

 ECO – 01 BUSINESS ORGANIZATION (BCA) Important Question Define the term ‘business’ and state its essential features. How is it different from the profession? What are the requisite features of the ideal form of business organization? Distinguish between ‘Entrepreneur ’ and ‘Promoter’. What do you mean by the cooperative form of organization? Explain its merits […]

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MCS – 011 Important Question

MCS – 011 PROBLEM SOLVING AND PROGRAMMING (BCA) Important Question Draw a Flowchart with an Algorithm for each. Mention the rules of using Big-O notation. Explain the Linker errors. Explain variables.? How are variables declared in C? What are the rules to name variables in C? How do assign a value to the variable at […]

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