Important Tips of User Datagram Protocol

Important Tips of UDP (User Datagram Protocol) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Internet पर Data संचारित करने के लिए एक हल्का और कुशल System प्रदान करता है। TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) के विपरीत, जो Data Packets के विश्वसनीय वितरण और क्रमबद्ध आगमन की गारंटी देता है, UDP गति को प्राथमिकता देता है और Overhead को कम […]

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Important Tips of Hub Network HUB एक सरल Network Device है जो Network पर कई उपकरणों को एक साथ जोड़ता है। यह एक केंद्रीय बिंदु के रूप में Work करता है जहां सभी Network Traffic प्रसारित होता है। हालांकि HUB एक समय में छोटे, minimum-traffic वाले Network में आमतौर पर उपयोग किए जाते थे, लेकिन […]

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Domain Name System

Domain Name System (DNS) DNS (Domain Name System) एक ऐसा System है जो Internet पर वेबसाइटों और अन्य संसाधनों को खोजने में help करता है। जब आप किसी Website का URL (जैसे, https://www.google.co.uk/) type करते हैं, तो आप वास्तव में उस Website के IP address को नहीं type कर रहे होते हैं, जो एक संख्यात्मक […]

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History of Java

History of java The Rise of Java: From Oak to a Global Phenomenon The JAVA programming language that powers everything from Android apps to enterprise systems, has a fascinating history. Its journey began in the early 1990s at Sun Microsystems, driven by a team of engineers led by James Gosling. Initially codenamed “Oak,” the project […]

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Important Tips of OSI Model (open system interpreter) The OSI Model: A Framework for Understanding Network Communication The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model is a conceptual framework that describes how different computer systems can communicate with each other over a network. Developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the OSI model divides the complex […]

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ECO-02 Accountancy-I 2023-2024 Solved Assignment

ECO-02 Accountancy-I 2023-2024 Solved Assignment Q1. Define accounting and explain its scope, objectives advantages and limitations. Accounting is the systematic process of recording, summarizing, analyzing, and interpreting financial transactions and information of an entity to provide meaningful insights for decision-making, financial reporting, and control. It plays a crucial role in tracking an organization’s financial health […]

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Posted in BCA

ECO-01 Business Organization 2023-2024 Solved Assignment

ECO-01 Business Organization 2023-2024 Solved Assignment Q1.What do you understand by commerce? Briefly explain the classification of commerce with suitable examples. Commerce refers to the exchange of goods and services between producers (sellers) and consumers (buyers) in the market. It involves various activities related to buying, selling, and distributing products to meet the needs and […]

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FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment 

FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment

FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment (Foundation course in English -2) Q1. Read the following passage and make notes in an appropriate format: One day a wonderful plate made of gold fell from Heaven into the court of a temple at Benares; and on the plate these words were inscribed; “A gift from Heaven to him who […]

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