FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment 

FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment

FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment
(Foundation course in English -2)
FEG-02 2023-2024 Solved Assignment 

Q1. Read the following passage and make notes in an appropriate format:
One day a wonderful plate made of gold fell from Heaven into the court of a temple at Benares; and on the plate these words were inscribed; “A gift from Heaven to him who loves best.” The priests at once made a proclamation that every day at twelve o’clock, all who would like to claim the plate should assemble at the temple, to have their kind deeds judged.

Every day for a whole year all kinds of holy men, hermits, scholars and nobles came, and related to the
priests their deeds of charity, and the priests in solemn council heard their claims. At last they decided that the one who seemed to be the greatest lover of mankind was a rich man who had that very year given all his wealth to the poor. So they gave him the plate of gold, but when he took it in his hand, it turned to worthless, lead; though, when he dropped it in his amazement on to the floor, it became gold again.

For another year claimants came; and the priests awarded the prize three times. But the same thing
happened, showing that Heaven did not consider these men worthy of the gift. Meanwhile a large number of beggars came and lay about the temple gate, hoping that the claimants who came would give them alms to prove they were worthy of the golden plate. It was a good time for the beggars, because the pilgrims gave them plenty of money; but they gave them no sympathy, nor even a look of pity.

At last a simple peasant, who had heard nothing about the plate of gold, came; and he was so touched by the sight of the miserable beggars, that he wept; and when, he saw a poor blind and maimed wretch at the temple gate, he knelt at his side and took his maimed hands in his and comforted him with kind words. When this peasant came to the temple, he was shocked to find it full of men boasting of their kind deeds and quarrelling with the priest. One priest, who held the golden plate in his hand, seeing the peasant standing there, beckoned to him; and the peasant came, and knowing nothing about the plate, took it in his hands. At once it shone out with three times its former splendour, and the priests said : “Son, the gift is yours : for you love best.”

Q2. Write a summary of the passage and give it an appropriate title.

Summary of the passage: In the city of Benares, a golden plate fell from heaven into the temple court with the inscription, “A gift from Heaven to him who loves best.” The priests announced that anyone could claim the plate by presenting their kind deeds. Numerous claimants, including holy men and nobles, came and shared their charitable acts, but the plate turned to worthless lead when handed to them. Beggars gathered at the temple, hoping for alms from the claimants but received no sympathy. Eventually, a simple peasant arrived and was moved to tears by the beggars’ plight. He comforted a blind and maimed beggar and was then invited by the priests to hold the golden plate. Miraculously, the plate shone brilliantly in his hands, and the priests declared him the true recipient, as he demonstrated genuine love and compassion.

Title: “A gift from Heaven to him who loves best.”

Q3. Write a paragraph of 100-150 words on any one of the following topics: (10)
(a) NEP2020

The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020) is a comprehensive reform initiative introduced by the Government of India to transform the education system in the country. Its key highlights are as follows:

Holistic Education: NEP 2020 aims to provide holistic education by focusing on cognitive, social, emotional, and physical development of students.

Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE): It emphasizes strengthening ECCE by universalizing access to quality early education for children aged 3 to 6 years.

School Education: The policy proposes restructuring of the school system into 5+3+3+4 format, covering foundational, preparatory, middle, and secondary stages, respectively.

Multidisciplinary Education: NEP encourages a multidisciplinary approach, allowing students to choose subjects across streams like arts, sciences, and commerce.

Vocational Education: It promotes vocational education from the secondary level onwards, providing practical skills to students.

Teacher Training: The policy aims to enhance the quality of teachers through continuous professional development and training programs.

Technology Integration: NEP emphasizes using technology for effective teaching and learning, including digital resources and online platforms.

Assessment Reforms: It advocates a shift from rote learning to competency-based assessments to foster critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Higher Education: NEP focuses on the flexible and multidisciplinary structure of higher education, promoting research and innovation.

Language Policy: It encourages the use of the mother tongue or regional language as the medium of instruction up to grade 5 and beyond, wherever possible.

National Research Foundation: A National Research Foundation will be established to promote research and innovation in the education sector.

NEP 2020 seeks to address the challenges in the current education system, aiming to make it more inclusive, flexible, and aligned with the changing needs of the 21st-century world. The implementation of the policy involves collaboration between the central and state governments and other stakeholders to ensure its successful execution.

Q3. (b)The role of media

The media plays a multifaceted and crucial role in modern society. Its primary function is to disseminate information, serving as a vital source of news and current events. Through investigative reporting, it acts as a watchdog, holding governments and institutions accountable for their actions. The media also serves as a public forum, providing a platform for diverse perspectives and opinions, contributing to informed public discourse.

Beyond news, media acts as an educational tool, offering informative content on various subjects, promoting lifelong learning. It entertains through movies, television shows, music, and more, providing relaxation and leisure to individuals. Additionally, media plays a role in socialization, transmitting cultural values, norms, and ideas between generations.

However, the media’s power comes with responsibility, as it can influence public opinion and shape societal beliefs. It must be approached critically, as misinformation and biases can also be perpetuated. Media literacy and discernment are essential to navigate the complex media landscape effectively. Overall, the media’s impact on public opinion, knowledge, and cultural transmission makes it an indispensable part of contemporary society.

Q4.You are the Secretary of the Students Union in your college. Write a report in 250 words of a meeting
held to discuss the forthcoming Annual Cultural Function.

Report on Meeting for Annual Cultural Function

Date: [ Date] Venue: [Venue]

On [insert date], a meeting was convened by the Students Union to discuss and plan for the forthcoming Annual Cultural Function of [Your college name]. The meeting was held at [venue] and attended by representatives from various departments and clubs, as well as faculty members.

The agenda of the meeting was to brainstorm ideas, allocate responsibilities, and set timelines for organizing a successful and memorable cultural event. The Secretary of the Students Union presided over the meeting and welcomed all participants.

The following key points were discussed during the meeting:

  1. Theme Selection: Participants proposed different themes for the cultural function. After a thorough discussion and voting process, the theme “Celebration of Diversity” was chosen to reflect the college’s inclusive spirit and multicultural student community.
  2. Event Schedule: A tentative schedule was devised, with the function to be held over two days. Day one would feature various performances and competitions, while day two would include a grand finale with celebrity performances.
  3. Cultural Performances: Departments and clubs were encouraged to showcase their unique cultural performances, such as dance, music, drama, and traditional art forms. It was emphasized that inclusivity and representation from all regions should be ensured.
  4. Competitions: Several competitions, including singing, dance-offs, and talent shows, were proposed to encourage student participation and engagement.
  5. Sponsorship and Funding: A committee was formed to approach potential sponsors and explore fundraising ideas to support the event financially.
  6. Logistics and Technical Arrangements: Responsibilities were assigned to a separate committee to take care of stage setup, lighting, sound system, and other technical requirements.
  7. Publicity and Promotion: The media and publicity team were tasked with promoting the event through various channels, including social media, posters, and college newsletters.
  8. Volunteer Management: Students were encouraged to volunteer for different roles, such as ushers, registration desk, and event management, to ensure smooth execution.

Q5. Write a report in 250 words of an interview you had with Education Minister of India.

Date: [Date] Interviewer: [Your Name] Interviewee: [Education Minister’s Name]

Introduction: On [insert date], I had the privilege of interviewing the Education Minister of India, [Education Minister’s Name], to gain insights into the current state of the education system and the government’s initiatives to improve it.

Key Points Discussed:

  1. National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020): The Education Minister discussed the significance of NEP 2020 in transforming the education landscape. He emphasized that the policy aims to promote holistic education, skill development, and digital literacy among students.
  2. Quality of Education: When questioned about the quality of education, the Minister acknowledged the need for continuous improvement. He highlighted ongoing efforts to enhance teacher training, curriculum development, and evaluation methods to ensure better learning outcomes.
  3. Digital Education: The Education Minister stressed the importance of digital education, especially during the pandemic. He outlined plans to bridge the digital divide by providing internet access and digital devices to students in rural and remote areas.
  4. Vocational Education: In the interview, the Minister expressed his commitment to promoting vocational education. He emphasized that vocational training will equip students with practical skills, making them more employable.
  5. Teacher Empowerment: The Minister discussed plans to empower teachers through professional development programs, recognition of excellence, and better incentives to attract and retain talent in the teaching profession.
  6. Research and Innovation: Addressing the importance of research and innovation, the Minister mentioned plans to establish the National Research Foundation to promote cutting-edge research and encourage innovation in the education sector.
  7. Inclusivity and Access: The Education Minister stressed the government’s focus on inclusivity and access to education for all, especially for marginalized communities and differently-abled students. He mentioned initiatives to reduce drop-out rates and improve girls’ education.
  8. Collaboration and Partnerships: Regarding international collaboration, the Minister discussed forging partnerships with other countries to enhance educational exchange programs and share best practices.

Conclusion: The interview with the Education Minister provided valuable insights into the government’s efforts to improve the education system in India. His commitment to creating a more inclusive, technologically advanced, and skill-oriented education system was evident. The government’s focus on teacher empowerment and research-driven innovation promises a brighter future for the nation’s youth.

Q6. Write a composition of 250-300 words based on any one of the pictures given below:



(c) Stadiums: The Heart of Sporting and Cultural Events

Introduction: Stadiums hold a special place in the world of sports and cultural events. These iconic structures not only serve as venues for various sporting competitions but also act as hubs for concerts, exhibitions, and other large-scale gatherings. They play a crucial role in bringing communities together, fostering a sense of unity, and leaving lasting memories for participants and spectators alike.

Historical Significance: The concept of stadiums dates back to ancient civilizations, where grand amphitheaters were used for gladiator contests and public gatherings. Over the years, stadiums have evolved into state-of-the-art facilities equipped with modern amenities, making them ideal for hosting a diverse range of events.

Multi-Purpose Spaces: Modern stadiums are designed to be multi-functional. While their primary purpose is to host sports events such as football, cricket, athletics, and more, they are also versatile enough to accommodate concerts, cultural festivals, trade shows, and corporate events. This flexibility ensures optimal utilization of these colossal structures throughout the year.

Economic Impact: Stadiums contribute significantly to the economy of cities and regions. Hosting major sporting events attracts tourists, generates revenue for local businesses, and creates job opportunities. Additionally, they serve as symbols of urban development and can lead to increased investment in infrastructure and real estate in the surrounding areas.

Community Engagement: Stadiums have a unique ability to unite communities and build a sense of pride and belonging. Home to local sports teams, they become the focal point for fans to come together, support their teams, and celebrate victories. The shared experience of attending matches or events fosters a strong bond among the people, transcending cultural, social, and economic barriers.

Technological Advancements: Advancements in technology have revolutionized stadium experiences. From high-definition screens and immersive sound systems to advanced lighting and fan engagement apps, technology enhances the overall event experience, creating a vibrant atmosphere.

Environmental Sustainability: With growing concerns about environmental impact, modern stadiums are incorporating sustainable practices. Initiatives such as using renewable energy sources, water recycling systems, and eco-friendly construction materials are becoming integral parts of stadium designs.

Conclusion: Stadiums symbolize the spirit of sportsmanship, cultural diversity, and communal celebration. They stand as architectural marvels, hosting moments of triumph, joy, and entertainment for generations to come. As we move forward, stadiums will continue to evolve, reflecting the changing needs of society while remaining as essential pillars of our sporting and cultural heritage.


Satya Sanatan Dharma

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